Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Meet the teacher

    • Welcome video

    • Learning objectives

    • Target audience

    • How to obtain your course certificate

  • 2

    Laboratory research

    • What do you think?

    • Idea, research target

    • Evaluation of possible synthetic processes

    • Evaluation of work-up, isolation, and purification of the product

    • Research experimental protocol definition and patent protection

    • Recognise the pictograms

    • What did you learn?

  • 3

    Laboratory Development

    • Open questions

    • Laboratory experimental protocol scale-up, definition and consolidation

    • Focus on regulations and laws: health, safety and environment

    • Development experimental protocol definition

    • What did you learn?

  • 4

    Pilot Scale Implementation

    • Setting the scene

    • Pilot plant implementation

    • Implementation of health, safety and environmental features

    • Process and product validation

    • What did you learn?

  • 5

    Plant Scale Implementation

    • ... before we start

    • Full process definition

    • Basic and detailed plant engineering for scale-up

    • Importance of safety, health and environmental aspects

    • From plant construction to production phase

    • What did you learn?

  • 6


    • Conclusions

    • Thanks to our sponsors

Course details

  • The estimated total study time for this course is 4-6h

  • Bachelor and Master students in the fields of chemistry, chemical engineering, engineering, biochemistry and biotechnology; and Industry/academia representative working in chemistry field.



Silvia Carloni

Dr. Silvia Carloni is graduated with a Master in Organic Chemistry at Parma University (Italy) with a study on the inclusion in zeolitic frameworks of neutral molecules and transition metal complexes. She obtained a Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences in 2000 at Parma University, working on clean synthetic processes promoted by catalysts immobilised on siliceous supports. From more than 20 years she’s been working in R&D Department of Endura (Ravenna), in the organic synthesis field. In this context she has been focused in the synthesis of new molecules, in the development of alternative synthetic routes aimed at the production of target molecules and in the identification and characterization of intermediates and impurities for products registration purposes. In the last few years, she has been involved in the European INCITE project, aimed at the production of (1R)-trans-chrysanthemic acid, via flow synthesis of ethylchrysanthemate and enzymatic hydrolysis. In this period, she had the opportunity to collaborate with various teams on the implementation of the synthetic process from the laboratory scale up to the plant industrial scale, experiencing the different aspects and issues related to this scale-up.